STEIN’S, INC. – Water Treatment Program

Stein’s Programmed Water Treatment is the most effective and economical maintenance service for your heating and cooling system.

Stein’s, Inc. offers you the inside track to high performance water treatment.

You can rely on Stein’s, Inc. for the finest in customized service for your system.

As part of the Stein’s, Inc. Programmed Water Treatment, our representative carefully surveys your heating and/or cooling system. A skilled chemist utilizes a wide variety of testing procedures to analyze your water samples. A comprehensive report of recommendations is sent to you and to our representative. All chemicals are delivered to you in ready-to-use form to simplify feeding.

On-site testing programs are available for water systems subject to rapid changes.

Your Stein’s representative will call on you as necessary to help you keep your system fine-tuned.